E-MedicalManager® Online program is designed to help you manage and plan your orders for any kind of inventory. It allows preparing orders to be sent later, sending selected orders to selected distributors, tracking orders, managing the location of stock and in use products, the expired date, and the traceability of each received item, it allows tracking the sterilization processes, the laboratory orders, and the VAT. This on-line program is used by successful practitioners. There is a very powerful version dedicated to Dental Laboratories.
EMM Dental is a unique online software designed to manage all sizes of dental clinics.

Orders and Inventory Management
– Prepare and manage your orders.
– Track and manage your Inventory.
– Track Expired dates on supplies.
– Edit automatic reminders to reorder supplies.
– Make payments of invoices including several VAT%.
– Use a scanner to avoid writing things.
– Send and track orders to dental laboratories.
– Help you manage monthly payments to dental laboratories.
– Automatically request a courier when you are sending a laboratory order.
– Load all kinds of pictures, drawings, STL files etc… linked to your lab orders.
– Make monthly payment to dental laboratories
– Edit financial operations.
– Store all data online per case, easy to retrieve.
– Communicate by emails internally and externally in a professional way.

Tracking sterilization from A to Z
– Track all the sterilization processes, the expiry dates of the pouches and where pouches are stored.
– Edit Baskets linked to an intervention to evaluate the price of what has been used. Baskets are linked to the sterile pouches used during the intervention.
Reports & Communication
– Easily edit one click reports
– Export all kinds of financial operations (Income and Expenses) to accountancy.
– Automatically manage any kind of VAT% in the same sent or paid invoices.
– Automatic emails Reports sent to you on selected reports.
– Manage dedicated pages access to each of your responsible personnels.
– Investigate consumption of supplies based on different kinds of selections.
– Analyse your consumption by Category of supplies, by Distributor or by Practitioner
– Communicate like a pro by e-mails with your Distributors and with the Responsible Personals.

EMM Laboratories
EMM Laboratories is a unique online software designed to manage dental laboratories.
Orders and Inventory Management
– Prepare and manage your orders.
– Track and manage your Inventory.
– Track Expired dates on supplies.
– Edit automatic reminders to reorder supplies.
– Make payments of invoices including several VAT%.
– Use a scanner to avoid writing things.

Laboratory Orders and Works Management
– Manage received orders from clients on E-MedicalManager network and also from clients added on the laboratory side.
– Track who is doing what on each case and send the progress to your client
– Use a scanner to simplify implementation.
– Edit several kinds of labels including your own edited QR codes.
– Edit invoices for clients.
– Edit Quality documents for patients.
– Edit financial operations.
– Store all data online per case, easy to retrieve.
– Communicate by emails internally and externally in a professional way.
– Export all kind of financial operations (Income and Expenses) to accountancy.
– Automatically manage any kind of VAT% in the same sent or paid invoices.
– Automatic e-mails Reports sent to you on selected reports. – Manage dedicated pages access to each of your responsible personnels.
– Investigate consumption of supplies based on different kinds of selections.
– Analyze your production and your consumption by Department.
– Receive online orders and requests to send a courier.
– Receive data linked to each order: pictures, STL files, invoice, quality docs,…
– Set up a program for each work at reception.
– Track Who is doing What on each case.
– Edit automatic provisional schedule of the day.
– Edit the job assigned to each lab technician for the next 7 days.
– Check the trend of your production.
– Make quotations.
– Send monthly statements.
– Manage monthly grouped payments.
– Track unpaid invoices.
– Link used materials for each work.

EMM Medical is a unique online software designed to manage all sizes of medical practices and hospitals.

Orders and Inventory Management
– Prepare and manage your orders.
– Track and manage your Inventory.
– Track Expired dates on supplies.
– Edit automatic reminders to reorder supplies.
– Make payments of invoices including several VAT%.
– Use a scanner to avoid writing things.

Tracking sterilization from A to Z
– Track all the sterilization processes, the expiry dates of the pouches and where pouches are stored.
– Edit Baskets linked to an intervention to evaluate the price of what has been used. Baskets are linked to the sterile pouches used during the intervention.

Reports & Communication
– Easily edit one click reports
– Easily edit one click reports
– Export all kind of financial operations (Income and Expenses) to accountancy.
– Automatically manage any kind of VAT% in the same sent or paid invoices.
– Automatic emails Reports sent to you on selected reports. – Manage dedicated pages access to each of your responsible personnels.
– Investigate consumption of supplies based on different kinds of selections.
– Analyze your consumption by Category of supplies, by Distributor or by Practitioner.
– Communicate like a pro by e-mails with your Distributors and with your Responsible Personals.

is an exclusive cloud-based patient management software. It is covering all kinds of dental clinics, it is DHA and NABIDH compliant.

AxisGuide® software is the simplest imaging, Implant planning and CAD/CAM software. It gives interactive tools to achieve excellent results.

are developed by a French manufacturer: “Reliability, simplicity, ergonomics or aesthetics are our everyday concerns.” Hervé Baz, President.